Monday, August 3, 2009

Chapter: The Y Chromosome (The End of All Males)

You have to be a man to carry the Y chromosome, and you have to be a man to make sperm, making men essential for human reproduction. So what happens if the Y chromosome disappears?
What makes women and men different is the 23rd chromosome in our cells. In women, its a pair of two X chromosomes, and in men, its an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is what makes men, macho men. It carries the tools to creating testes and making sperm. Over the millenia, the Y chromosome has lost most of its genes. That's not good.
The problem? It's lonely.
All the other chromosome are paired, and if during mitosis a mistakes creeps into one chromosome, it can fix itself by looking at the other chromosome, since they're alike. But in guys, if this happens to the Y chromosome, it doesn't fix itself, the gene just disappears. Poof.

This is X and this is Y. Sucks, huh?
Therefore, people are afraid that if this continues to happen, the Y chromosome is going to gradually shrink in size until it disappears altogether.
Dun. DUN. DUN!
That'll be something.
But people have found hope in Pandora's Box of human anatomy.
David Page of MIT's Whitehead Institute says "At the same time that it is continuing to lose genes, it's found some new ways of replenishing itself,"
In the past year, Page along with his colleagues, discovered a finding that gave men a little hope: The Y chromosome has been secretly creating backup copies of its most important genes. These are stored in the DNA as mirror images, or palindromes - which read the same way forwards and backwards. ("Madam, I'm Adam" is a famous example.)
So in a condensed more simpler way, the Y chromo-(Im getting tired of spelling that whole word out, from now on, let's just say chromo) has been subtly making copies of the genes it really needs, and they're just as good as the OG's ( original genes, ha). Its like racecar. Now spell it backwards. See?
It like a survival of the fittest, but genetically.
The movie Children of Men was recommended to me, its supposedly about this stuff, but in the movie it already happened, get me? Well, I'll watch it and let you know if it's any good.

Did I bore you with this blog? I feel like I did. Well atleast now you know that in a couple of years, there won't be a such things as males. Ok, maybe not a couple, more like 125, 000 years or something, but hey now you know.