Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chapter: Wtf's Castro

If you're a sneaker head, dive into your indulgence with this blog.

Go nuts, or he'll go and find you.
I suggest you go nuts. =]

Chapter: Gimme More

What do we gain from material wealth? When we're down, some new shoes make us feel better? Last time I checked, shoes don't give hugs. I don't understand or find the necessity to constantly fuel our self esteem with inanimate objects. Sure, it may boost your self esteem because you look good according to others, but whens the last time someones complimented you on being a great person. Call me cliche, but I have a point. We shouldn't depend on others to compliment us on our looks to feel confident. The confidence should spring from our souls, to then be projected on our external appearance to the world, if it matters that much. Maybe some shoes would put the cherry on top, but ice cream is still good without the mess of accessory ingredients, am I wrong? What's the point of having an abundance of material things, when in the end, they stay here, and we move on. Is it worth it?

BUT, to each his own.

..and yes, those are barbie's shoes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chapter: Vent

I'm honest!
Shrug my opinion off, and continue on your walk,
if you find a cliff, do me a favor, and
Jump off it!
EXCUSE ME, if I make you unsettled, but I'm me,
You're you,
I'm me,
You're you,
We're human,
Beings, plural,

Calm, calm, calm,
Was that your face?

Ooold poem, obviously was never posted. Don't mind the random tourette-ish attitude, I was apparently bothered.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chapter: Uh-Oh

The world is ending. Not really news, right? We've all heard of the apocalypse and 2012 and all that jazz. No biggie. It's not like it'll really happen. Psh.

Who are we kidding?

It's definitely going to happen, or at least something big like the end of the world will happen. C'mon, if you haven't noticed all the freaky weather spasms and bipolar earth tantrums, then you have a problem. But, I don't judge, so it's ok. Basically, in a nutshell, so you can get caught up and stuff; the world is going to end. Soon. Call me Debbie Downer, Pessimist Patty blah blah blah, but I've been positive for far too long and this weather stuff just gets crazier as the days go by. Let's see, so Haiti breaks into puzzle pieces, Canadian forest fires make the residents of New England feel like they're in The Fog, 2 year old Filipino toddlers smoking 4o cigarettes a day, oh and let's not forget the HUGE sinkhole that formed in Guatemala. No biggie.

Some people think this is just a hoax. Some people live their lives in fear the sky is going to fall.

Nonetheless, when all else fails, hope is there. I mean, I hope none of the predictions of the world's inevitable doom will happen. I hope we'll all live to be old and wrinkly. I hope that if this really happens, the government is devising a plan to ship us all out to space and live like Zenon; Girl of the 21st Century.

No worries though, just live life, hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst. You know, just in case. Hey, we made it through Michael Jackson's death, we can make it through this too.

"This is SPARTA!"