Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chapter: Travelocity

No shine, no touch, no affection.

When’s the last time your thoughts traveled in my direction, and took another step to inquire. To see behind the light that’s produced from this fire. Can’t remember huh? Whereas I visit you as soon as I open my eyes and close them to sleep, along with all the time that lies inbetween. When I speak about issues stressing me, why must you be harsh, to “strengthen me”. The obvious remedy that I seek from thee is a hug, simple act of affection, but instead I get an attitude annoyed by so much, not looking to give me that attention. What is going on? Communication is supposed to keep it strong, but talking is a nuisance now. I want to make things better, but every move is a detonator, so how? What is going on?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter: Bottled Hurricane


I feel like crying, but the heat of my anger evaporates my tears before they even are.


I feel like screaming, but the lump in my throat creates a dam only allowing quiet sighs to seep through.


I feel like sunny days mean rain, and when it rains I feel the storm travel through my veins to my heart and pumped to my body expelling an energy strong enough to create natural disasters.

But this,

This isn't natural. Or is it natural to have reoccurring images flashing through your mind followed my sullen feelings casting darkness over any source of light you once had? To have any trace of logic you once possessed smeared with emotional digression? One plus one equals heartbreak.

And finally,

I'm afraid. I'm afraid that one single glance will fuel enough power to stimulate a spark. So I let the tsunami roar and kill all electricity. I just wish it would take the poison in my subconscious away with it.

Till then, I'm left swaying. Our galactic alignment is both mysterious and beautiful. Once in a lifetime.