Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter: CITY!

What's that you ask?
Possibly the best place you can spend your time at. So, here's my story. Gonna get a little personal, so hold on to something. Just kidding, but seriously this isn't a joking matter. Ok, so here's me, a quiet, shy, bored with her life, desperate to find something to do to that she loves, bored (again), girl whose really dying to go somewhere she'll fit perfectly in, and do something creative. Did you pick up on the problem yet? Shy. So I'd heard of Movement City when it was Hope Street. I believe I was in my early teens at the time. I was introduced to it by my mom, apparently she wanted to dump me off
someplace where I could go nuts with the arts stuff. So I printed out the application, filled it out and everything.

Moment of truth... never sent it in.
Downer, right?

3 years later. (Approximately)

I hear about this center called Movement City, where you can take all sorts of creative classes. Sounded familiar to me. My friend described the area, told me where it was, how the people were. The whole kit and kaboodle. So I once again printed out an application, filled it out, even WENT to the building. When the moment of truth came I turned back, and went home.

3 more years later. (I think.)

I was on a step team for my high school and I told my friend Valerie about Movement City. We youtubed it, and I showed her all the dance videos. She fell under the same spell I was under and signed up. The difference between her and I, I was shy. Very shy. I was going to begin going, but I couldn't because my practices already took too much of my time. Junior year comes, and there is no longer a step team. One monday afternoon, I'm sitting in my living room frustrated. I call my friend and explain to her I'm bored with my life, and I want to dance again. She pretty much yells at me, telling me I need to go to MC. So, the next week, she actually brings me there herself and makes me sign up. I know, I sound like a baby, but whatever.
The following week, when I was going there for the first time alone, was a car ride I would never forget. I was shaking. I don't think I have ever been that nervous. Think about it, here I am going to this center where I know no one. I don't even live in the city. Moving on. When I entered, I was immediately greeted by the those who were there and was overwhelmed by the creative spirit that was bouncing off the walls. I was still in my shell, and barely spoke to anyone, unless I was spoken to.
I first took a dance class, and loved it. When the last session of the year ended, I didn’t want to leave the center for the whole summer, so I spoke to the Academic Director and asked her if there was anyway I could help out during the summer. She told me I could volunteer with the stations summer camp, and I jumped at the offer and told her I would. So that summer was when I really met everyone and developed relationships with the younger kids. It was a busy summer, besides volunteering, but I made it possible so that I could go.
Entering my senior year, I felt like I was a part of the family in Movement City. I joined Movement Squad, and was involved with all the happenings at MC. I loved being a part of the center and helping out the way it helped me. See, what I love so much about MC is that it turned my life around. Not to be dramatic. It saved me from a black hole of a depression I was already in.

The relationships I have made with the people at Movement City are ones I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The center has allowed me to blossom as a person and find my voice. It has enabled me to feel comfortable being myself around people I don’t know, and uplifted my spirit at a time where it was impossible. It has given me so much to look forward to in life and has allowed me to find the confidence I lacked. As I retrogress and look back to the first time I set foot in the center, I understand why I was so nervous. It was because my life was about to change, and the I had found my home away from home.

I know it seems a little sappy, but hey, it's the truth. This center is something that should be in every state of this country, and I won't be surprised if it someday happens. So, when I say "Movement!", I want to hear (or read) you all say "City!"


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chapter: Hello

Hello, it's me,
Late night convo's, quiet moments savored for no reason,
Maybe that was then, but how 'bout now, what's this season?
Questions asked, questions left unanswered,
Conversations lasted till interrupted by the first bird.
I know things change, correction- they grow,
But something in me misses that time-where we was just getting to know-
Quiet moments savored? Quiet moments central,
Click-click the keyboard, wadup- nothing, bored.
If so, can we soar, leave this rest stop and explore,
Bloop bloop bloop.
I'm looking for you, little do I know you're probably looking for me too,
You're doing yours, and so I guess I'll do mine,
But I only look to you as the clock tick's time.
I gotta make the effort, so you'll see that I care,
There's so many things I can say, and are spoken with my stare.
Enough one worded answers,
They're killing me like cancer,
But what is said when the chance is bred?
What is fed, to a soul that's hungry to once again step in your head.
Knock, knock.
Whose there?
Hello, it's me..

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chapter: Flying

Feels like strangers, we're both here meeting for the first time,
What's your name again, give me yours, I'll give you mine,
You look familiar, like I know you from my past,
Like a zombie memory, coming to life with each comment that I pass,
How've you been?
How's your life treating you?
Oh, that time's kicking in?
Feel the need to start fresh, start new?
Well, lemme introduce myself,
Maybe we'll get along, for some reason,
I feel the beginning of a new bond,
The names Marlene, quiet, but with time my secret's will unravel,
Come walk with me, see how far on this road we'll travel.
Oh, you don't walk, oh I see you fly,
I'm impressed, you sound like my kind of guy,
I've tried it before, but I ended up crashing,
Yeah, a few cut's and bruises, stories to tell, whenever someone's asking.
I'm sorry, what was that? You want me to fly with you?
What makes you think your technique won't fail like others do?
Risk? Hm, sounds iffy, but I like you.
"Hold my hand, this is a flight for two."

I feel like I know you.

Chapter: Heat

Temperature is on high, and the season's just started,
My emotions are stable, I know where my heart is,
But the eyes, have a mind, of their own,
Get high off a visual vibe, just that alone.
Oh, the time is just right, got my attractions going at it,
The interest just might, get me answering to these addicts,
that won't quit, that won't sit and wait,
They caught on, they ate all that bait,
But nah, I think I'm gonna have to pass,
Season's hot, but I ain't into those that don't last,
Come for the summer, and stay for the fall,
He came, and has been here,
Him right there, I give him my all.

Chapter: Hulk Moment

Love me like there's no tomorrow,
what the future holds, is the opposite of our sorrow.
I'll be with you until the end of the world comes,
I'll be there, holding you and holding on.
Just don't ever betray me, don't ever lie,
Stop being curious, don't ask me why.
Just know, it'll be bad,
You won't like me when I'm mad.

*Not gonna lie, the reference to the Hulk made me laugh.

Chapter: Trip W. Mary Jane

How can one man hold so much power?
Not necessarily with the world, but with this young girl.
Insanity is growing, increasing with each hour,
And the coke looks sweeter with each second, it screams to me louder.
Maybe then this place will make sense,
Maybe then this asylum would seem less crazy, just a little, less.
If I take a trip down mary jane lane,
Maybe then I'll transition from crazy to sane.
What if I stay, because I'm enamored by the never-ending day,
What if I moved in, and I had everything according to me, my way.
Not the king of burgers, not loving like the Donald of Mc's,
Am I confusing you, listen to the clock, tick..tick..
Time is a trap, to keep you in routine,
Come away with me, and you'll see what I mean..

*Role-playing poem, I am not a druggie, just saying.

Chapter: Breathe

-the hell is going on?
I believe I have a reason, but my mentality is all wrong.
The rocks in my throat hinder me from seizing,
and the chance is going, going, gone.
It's taking up my life, listen to my breathing,
It's a long, interesting tale,
It's all I take in, all I inhale,
Listen to me, as I exhale...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chapter: Loop

Closing my eyes, will time freeze?
Contrare to fly by,
Will I have time to observe, pause and think,
And ask myself why?
I growl at the thought, and tear up the idea,
Like a savage human being, crazier than Madea.
But as I linger by my prey, I hear the mercy in their cry,
I shake my head, scratch my eyes,
I realize finally, I was blind the whole time,
My imagination tricked me, I was walking over the sublime,
And now I'm in this loop, circulating in a never-ending funnel,
To reach the end, the new light, the end of the tunnel.
I'm exposed to this source of power projecting something so bright,
And I'm enlightened, my mind is clearer, aware, and everything is ahead of me,
In my sight.