Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter: Aids Antidote?

(I know antidote is probably not the correct word to use, but hey, it's catchy, it's an alliteration, and now it's the title of this post.)

So, I just read there is a doctor in Germany that claims a man who was HIV-positive may have been cured with a stem-cell transplant. The miracle patient's name is Timothy Ray Brown, who was also suffering from Leukemia three years ago, when he received a stem-cell transplant from a donor carrying a rare, inherited gene mutation that seems to make carriers virtually immune to HIV infection. So in simpler terms, this donor was like an X-men or something, and HIV/AIDS can't harm a hair on his body. Yeah, something like that.

The transplant said to have wiped out both diseases, so said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has been studying HIV/AIDS for almost 30 years. So if this is true, this is kind of like the day he's been waiting for his entire career-life-existence, (also for the 33 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS, can't forget them).

Before you get too excited, that is if you are, which you should be because this is considerably the most groundbreaking thing to happen in the medical world since I don't know when ( my knowledge), we must analyze the details. The rarity of something like this happening is pretty colossal. First off, “It’s hard enough to get a good compatible match for a transplant like this,” said Dr. Fauci to, “But you also have to find compatible donor that has this genetic defect, and this defect is only found in 1 percent of the Caucasian population and zero percent of the black population. This is very rare.”


So not every patient can be treated with this.Well, I guess we can shoot that horse in the face. And now comes the marathon of blah-news, the wompfest. Dr. Fauci said this isn't "prime time" for him at all because it's such a rare situation that doesn't have practical application. Meaning, it's like a miracle, chances of being duplicated are slim to none. Also, Dr. Fauci mentioned that it's not as pretty as it sounds. The transplant is pretty expensive and tremendously painful and complicated, and the patient would have to start a whole new platoon of drugs.

Again, this patients cure was kind of an accident/surprise. He was originally getting the bone marrow transplant for his leukemia, and the HIV cure kind of came like extra fries in the order.

Soooo, although this opens many doors for new HIV treatments and possible remedies, there is still a somewhat long way to go.

But let's not get too upset, one patient was cured, so hoorah!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter: Lust

Lust; such a sinful temptation. Blinds the eyes of those who love and causes great harm to those they love. Remember, love over lust. "You're human which means you'll be tempted, but never choose the one you lust over the one you love."

Chapter: Idk

Creative chapter title huh? I know.
I have never minded someone looking up to me, or liking things I do or the way I am. I'm not praising myself, don't get ahead of me, but what does bother me, is someone becoming just like me, slowing changing themselves, and each adjustment is closer to the kind of person I am. I'm not trying to be a creep, (excuse me if what I'm about to say is total creep material) but I analyzed this person and how they truly are, and what they are becoming is pretty hypocritical. Saying one thing, and doing the other. Liking things I like, beginning to do things I do. I know people are going to be like me, or have similarities with me in my future, I get that, but this person, it's just bothering me. You may be thinking, "Well Marlene, why don't you just get to know the person? Maybe you'd be great friends." EEeerrrghh! (Car screeching to a halt) Truth be told, I am not very fond of this person and their actions. I know no one will ever be me, vice versa, no matter how hard we may try, we will always be our own person. Maybe I just don't like this person and I'm bothered that they have similar interests as me? Or maybe this goes even deeper? I don't know. This post was kind of personal, but still vague. I like being ambiguous. It's like I'm being personal, but I'm not. Ha.
Any who, I will conclude this random post with a quote.
"You were born an original, so don't die a copy."
Forgot who said it, but props to him/her.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter: Sir Ken Again

Chapter: Talk To Me

You know what I miss? I miss talking to someone in person, and actually engaging in conversation stimulated by any thought that travels through our minds. I miss late night phone conversations about anything, that always broke night. I miss the undivided attention. Speaking through a social network or an instant-messaging system is just not as fulfilling. The physical presence of someone can not be duplicated, well at least the feeling it conveys. I'm not trying to whine or anything, but I feel like technology has kind of gotten in the way of things. People are so distracted nowadays, and it's nothing bad, I love reading articles about anything new and exciting or interesting, but I feel like the inquisitiveness of getting to know someone has dwindled. The eye contact, that look as if trying to reach your soul. Perhaps when you're in constant communication with someone it turns into routine rather than a genuine yearning to speak to them. Or maybe you just know them already? I don't know, I guess I'm just nostalgic.