Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter: No Matter What

Is it possible that when you don't want something to happen, you don't think about it, but it's there like in the middle of your mind, it'll continue to happen? As if someone was playing a game with you and just taunting you. It's like the energy you set out reacts oppositely and what you don't want to happen, happens. Repeatedly.
Even when you completely erase it from your mind, it happens. Sigh. It just fires me up, and get's me ready to do something detrimental, but what am I going to do? Stare with a grimace. Woah.
I guess there are things that are out of our hands and our control. They're going to happen regardless of what we want unfortunately. As much as we fight, as much as we budge and as much as we passionately wish it wouldn't happen…it does, or will soon enough.

Bummer -_-

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter: Flashing Lights

Flashing lights blind me as I walk out this car. This red carpet leads me to the meeting places of the rest of these so-called stars. Click, click go the cameras, catching every moment I inhale and exhale, seems as if I'm being held against my own will. I love the life, but the baggage is kind of heavy. I'm trying to live right, but on my way, I feel as if some of my morals may have left me. Eyes all over prey on my every move, how can I live easy if they wait for me to mess up like some april fool. Keep calm and carry on, but my life is no longer mine. I wanted to come into this, taking every chance to speed up time. I unwillingly put myself out there, not knowing I'd be manipulated into some kind of puppet, money's coming in so they think my mindset is just f*ck it.
The game isn't as it's painted, I thought the love of the art would be enough, but the money makes it tainted. The void grows with the money, the vibes wrong, but the fans really love me. The more I live it, the more is gone from my cup. Just thinking of ways, to fill it back up..

Was bored.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chapter: Boom

What would the world be like if we had things our way? If in our fits of rage we actually had a gun in our hand, replacing the hand figure? Would you shoot?
It's different when the opportunity is there. It can confuse us more or make things clearer. One way or the other, the choice is yours. What would you do?

Chapter: Puppy Pouch

Enough said.

Chapter: Ugh

You know those times where you get so lost in your own thoughts you become close-minded? That you just seem stupid to other people, but in your mind you have all the reason, and everything just makes sense? People call it schizophrenia, but we don't all necessarily have an imaginary world we're a part of. It's annoying when people just don't understand whereyou're coming from and ultimately you just seem like the idiot that keeps blabbing on. Then comes the point where you stop and analyze what you're saying, and realize again that you have a legitimate point. Then you get frustrated and just seem stupider. This sounds redundant, you get the point.
Sigh, if only eyes were like glasses people could try on and instantly feel what we see. Wouldn't that be convenient?
"Oooh, now I get it."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chapter: The Catch

Nothing is ever easy. Even if you love doing it, if you love it as a whole, it's never easy. There's always a catch. This doesn't mean the catch is always bad, it sometimes doesn't turn out being a drag. I'm being ambiguous aren't I? Let me get specific.
Numero Uno.
Following your heart and going for your dreams. Sounds so pretty doesn't it. Does a $50, 000 school, sound pretty? How about a 50+ hour week to pay off loans? Sound easy? Ha, when you finally reach your dream, sure it'll be nice, but it won't be so smooth the whole way there. Well, for the most of us, there are those ones who get lucky. Psh.
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to deter anyone from accomplishing their goals. More power to you. I'm simply using it as an example because most of the time it is not easy. Those who do achieve their dreams, good job. Every case is different though. But the dedication is admirable.

Numeros Dos.
A relationship. You may love each other and have plentiful conversations, and have the times of lives together, but slow down cowboy. What's a relationship without arguments? How will you grow if you have nothing to improve? Arguments aren't fun, (ok maybe a little, sometimes, when it gets that ridiculous, but anyways) there's a lot of tension, viciousness, and things become hectic. I'd like to meet the couple that hasn't bumped heads on something, even if its as minor as leaving your socks on the floor. Not even both of them. Just one. One lonesome random sock. With a piece of gum stuck on it. Equivalent to trash. Ugh, just throw it away, it's partner obviously left it for another sock. But anyways, you build your relationship off these things. In everything, theres a good and bad, a black and white, yin and yang, sweet and spicy, etc. But whoever said the bad can't help the better of the good? Make sense? Probably not.
In a nutshell, more good is always better than a hefty load of bad. So savor those marvelous moments, and don't let them slip away. But once you've tasted sour, the sweets taste even more delicious.

Tip: Talking is wayy more healthier for a relationship than arguing or yelling at each other is, at least I think so. But hey, a sporatic hispanic argument never hurt anyone.
Let's just keep the shoes on our feet.