Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chapter: Define Different

What's new nowadays? Is anything really different, that hasn't been tried before? I doubt it. That's what sucks, everything has been attempted so it's not really like a big deal when it comes out. Lady Gaga? No. Sure she's weird, so is Marylin Manson. Sure she sold her soul to the devil, so did Jay-Z. Sure she has an interesting sense of fashion, so do emo people. Ugh, she's so, yuck. Go to church Lady Gaga, you need Jesus.

But anyways, the problem is, people are too scared to try what's "different", because they're constantly told it's wrong. It's not wrong, it's a divergence. When they say "It's wrong" what they mean to say is, " I don't know what you're talking about, and frankly I'm just saying it's wrong because I have a huge fear of the unknown and I'm too afraid to try anything new, so I don't want you to because then I'll feel average and lonely, and I want you to be average with me because-" Alright, let me cut it off there. Get what I mean?
So when people ask, " Why?" Simply answer, " Why not?" And if they give you, or begin to give you a BS answer, easy. Just answer: "THIS IS SPARTA!" and push them into a hole.
Problem solved.

It may seem like I contradicted myself, with what I said about Lady Gaga, but she's a repeat. Just the female version of Marylin Manson, or atleast I think so. I'm not even sure what he/she/it is. Just scares me, but hey, I respect his/her/it's guts to be so weird.
Besides the whole selling your soul to the devil; that's just stupid.

But then again, "To be great, is to be misunderstood.."
There's a mind-boggler for you.

No harsh feelings to anyone or anything I mentioned in this blog. Just trying to make a point. Kudos to Frandy, for influencing me to write this entry.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chapter: Burgers and Boredom

Life is boring. Not always, but right now that’s where my body/metaphorical car is parked at on this road called life. The little rest stop named BORING. Things you thought were new, are old. Things that seemed spontaneous are actually repeated patterns. Blah, blah, blah, bloop, even that’s old news. 1, 2, 3,..56, 57,..65, 66, 67, 68...OLD.
Sigh, I sound crazy, don’t I? We all have our moments. Oh well, it’s expected, why you ask? Because life is a never-ending repeated cycle of unprecedented routine. They say history repeats itself. Seems like they’re preaching the truth. La di da di da, and then we begin to think. Over think and analyze. Over analyze and become anal. I don’t even know what I’m talking about. If it makes sense to you, great. There was some purpose to this entry.
So, since I’m here, let’s talk. Or better said, let me type and pretend like this electronic device is a human and can actually listen. Well, the reader is human so, I take back what I just said.
What’s deep? Like when someone says “Woah, that’s deep.” In the inanimate perspective. Is it something profoundly philosophical, therefore bringing astonishing reactions from people because you stimulated their minds to think something beyond the surface of life? Is that why it’s called deep? If we apply it to the ocean or something. Deep, because you’re going beyond the shallow end, and diving into a presumable bottomless pit of thinking, and pulling out the why to everything. Being inquisitive and being able to find somehow relevant possible answers to your questions? Like, does society make the people or do the people make society? That’s a mind-boggler. The question itself is “deep”. Hm, perhaps. Deep thinking is good, so that your mind doesn’t station itself at a stupor and not seek any desire to go on further. You need to stir up the noodles in that noggin every once in a while, or else your soup won’t be so tasty. (For the non-deep thinkers out there in the world, soup symbolizes your opinion).
But anyways, I seemed to have digressed from my original topic in mind. What was it? Ah, boring life. Hm, maybe not boring, but--no, definitely boring. Let’s be creative people. Please. Pleaseee. We need innovation. Ugh, what the french, toast? Where am I even going with this. I don’t even know. See? Life’s boring-ness and redundancy is getting to me. It’s driving me nuts. Next thing you know, I’m boring. Oh look at that, I’m dull...
Woah that was a close one. Thinking about it though, perhaps it’s not life that’s boring, but the people. After all, life is what you make it. But then again, you are effected by your environment and the things that happen and the people around you. So like, if people are uber wack and tedious; life is uber wack and tedious. No, that’s wrong, sounds like I live for other people.
Thinking about it though, perhaps it’s not life that’s boring, but how we are living life is boring. Maybe we’re not seizing every opportunity thrown at us, or maybe we’re not looking in the right places. Maybe we need to change some aspects of our lives to then exit from this monotonous black hole of sucky-ness. Hm, life is what you make it? Right now, it’s a gross bland school lunch. I think I’m gonna go gourmet. Ciao.
(I’ve made a lot of food analogies, maybe I’m hungry. No, I’m hallucinating.)
Oh and P.S., not everything, everything, everything is boring. Some things are um, cool. Kidding. There’s the special one who keeps me sane, whatever my definition of that is. He’s the barbeque sauce to my burger. That’s right, you can’t have a burger without dipping it in BBQ sauce. Therefore, I can’t have life without him.