Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter: Aids Antidote?

(I know antidote is probably not the correct word to use, but hey, it's catchy, it's an alliteration, and now it's the title of this post.)

So, I just read there is a doctor in Germany that claims a man who was HIV-positive may have been cured with a stem-cell transplant. The miracle patient's name is Timothy Ray Brown, who was also suffering from Leukemia three years ago, when he received a stem-cell transplant from a donor carrying a rare, inherited gene mutation that seems to make carriers virtually immune to HIV infection. So in simpler terms, this donor was like an X-men or something, and HIV/AIDS can't harm a hair on his body. Yeah, something like that.

The transplant said to have wiped out both diseases, so said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has been studying HIV/AIDS for almost 30 years. So if this is true, this is kind of like the day he's been waiting for his entire career-life-existence, (also for the 33 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS, can't forget them).

Before you get too excited, that is if you are, which you should be because this is considerably the most groundbreaking thing to happen in the medical world since I don't know when ( my knowledge), we must analyze the details. The rarity of something like this happening is pretty colossal. First off, “It’s hard enough to get a good compatible match for a transplant like this,” said Dr. Fauci to, “But you also have to find compatible donor that has this genetic defect, and this defect is only found in 1 percent of the Caucasian population and zero percent of the black population. This is very rare.”


So not every patient can be treated with this.Well, I guess we can shoot that horse in the face. And now comes the marathon of blah-news, the wompfest. Dr. Fauci said this isn't "prime time" for him at all because it's such a rare situation that doesn't have practical application. Meaning, it's like a miracle, chances of being duplicated are slim to none. Also, Dr. Fauci mentioned that it's not as pretty as it sounds. The transplant is pretty expensive and tremendously painful and complicated, and the patient would have to start a whole new platoon of drugs.

Again, this patients cure was kind of an accident/surprise. He was originally getting the bone marrow transplant for his leukemia, and the HIV cure kind of came like extra fries in the order.

Soooo, although this opens many doors for new HIV treatments and possible remedies, there is still a somewhat long way to go.

But let's not get too upset, one patient was cured, so hoorah!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter: Lust

Lust; such a sinful temptation. Blinds the eyes of those who love and causes great harm to those they love. Remember, love over lust. "You're human which means you'll be tempted, but never choose the one you lust over the one you love."

Chapter: Idk

Creative chapter title huh? I know.
I have never minded someone looking up to me, or liking things I do or the way I am. I'm not praising myself, don't get ahead of me, but what does bother me, is someone becoming just like me, slowing changing themselves, and each adjustment is closer to the kind of person I am. I'm not trying to be a creep, (excuse me if what I'm about to say is total creep material) but I analyzed this person and how they truly are, and what they are becoming is pretty hypocritical. Saying one thing, and doing the other. Liking things I like, beginning to do things I do. I know people are going to be like me, or have similarities with me in my future, I get that, but this person, it's just bothering me. You may be thinking, "Well Marlene, why don't you just get to know the person? Maybe you'd be great friends." EEeerrrghh! (Car screeching to a halt) Truth be told, I am not very fond of this person and their actions. I know no one will ever be me, vice versa, no matter how hard we may try, we will always be our own person. Maybe I just don't like this person and I'm bothered that they have similar interests as me? Or maybe this goes even deeper? I don't know. This post was kind of personal, but still vague. I like being ambiguous. It's like I'm being personal, but I'm not. Ha.
Any who, I will conclude this random post with a quote.
"You were born an original, so don't die a copy."
Forgot who said it, but props to him/her.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter: Sir Ken Again

Chapter: Talk To Me

You know what I miss? I miss talking to someone in person, and actually engaging in conversation stimulated by any thought that travels through our minds. I miss late night phone conversations about anything, that always broke night. I miss the undivided attention. Speaking through a social network or an instant-messaging system is just not as fulfilling. The physical presence of someone can not be duplicated, well at least the feeling it conveys. I'm not trying to whine or anything, but I feel like technology has kind of gotten in the way of things. People are so distracted nowadays, and it's nothing bad, I love reading articles about anything new and exciting or interesting, but I feel like the inquisitiveness of getting to know someone has dwindled. The eye contact, that look as if trying to reach your soul. Perhaps when you're in constant communication with someone it turns into routine rather than a genuine yearning to speak to them. Or maybe you just know them already? I don't know, I guess I'm just nostalgic.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chapter: Recycled Thoughts

I'm sitting here waiting for my dad to drive me back to school. Sitting here I realize I think about the wrong things too much, not necessarily wrong, but redundant. I recycle my thoughts Ooo and it's wearing my mind out. What happened to exploring and wondering about other cool things. I recently learned that what we know can limit what we imagine. True isn't it? I know too many facts and it's stifling my creativity. My recent art is only secreted emotions onto a canvas. What happened to new ideas or crazy thoughts. I don't know, I just know what I need to stop thinking about, it's engulfing my mind.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter: Proud Buffalo Soldier

If I was to document the thoughts that run through my mind, there wouldn't be enough paper.
If I was to type it all down for all of you to see, my nows would occupy my laters.

That was going to be a poem, but I can't focus because I have Barracka Flocka Flame -Head of the State stuck in my head. So yeah, about that...

What's going on world? or whoever's reading this? Been a while, I know you missed me. Just kidding, I don't have an ego like that (or do I?) Hm, just found what I'm going to talk about. Pride.
Does pride get in the way of things or what? It's crazy that someone can hold on so dearly to their pride, rather then fess up and admit they were wrong. You're just making yourself look stupid and confirming my belief that you truly are an idiot. Do you love yourself that much, that it blinds you from seeing what you're really doing? That you're throwing the wr
ong sauces into this dish and just gonna send yourself straight to the bathroom once you're finished eating it. What am I saying? Moving on.

Bob Marley was the man. He worked for me when I was a child and apparently for this little kid too.
The power of reggae is some powerful stuff.
Do you think marijuana should be legalized? Medical marijuana? Let me know your opinion, it's about time I started interacting with my readers.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter: Anxious Aspirations

We lose sight of what we have when we doubt it. We think it'll always be there, same story over and over again. Then it's really gone. Then what? We move on? Moving on is climbing over a colossal boulder threaded in roses. Each time we reach, we get pricked. I'd rather stay on this side, then become numb by all the pain I'd go through to climb over. It hurts either way, but isn't there pleasure on the other side of pain. But at this point feeling nothing sounds better than anything to you. I do not understand the things that happen, I cannot interpret them. Being lost leaves me with anxiety. I am anxious to know the truth. What is happening God, what is this?

Chapter: The Artist

(painting by unknown artist)

The artist emerges from the ashes of burning beauty. The artist flourishes when happenings expel pure emotions. The artist blooms at the feeling of melancholic gloom. The artist's paint is it’s tears spread across a canvas. The artist breathes, what it lives. It’s more than just a painting. It’s our reflection.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chapter: Vindictive Vespian

Keep going the way you are,
I want to see where you get, how far.
If you arrive, I'd turn around if I were you,
The things that await are not exactly pleasant for you.
Just this knife, just this chair and some chains,
I heard you wanted pleasure, so here comes the pain.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chapter: Those Days

Missing the days when the sun came out to play,
When burning rubber on bikes always made my day.
When power rangers in the morning got me all siked,
But Gargoyles at ten made my morning start out right.
When the world wasn't scary, but just a jungle to explore,
When playing outside was my one and only chore.
When ignorance didn't exist, just true pure innocence,
When cartoons were bliss, and candy equivalent.
When waking up early wasn't so hard,
Because I woke up excited to trade my Pokemon cards.
When evil didn't exist and people were nice,
When my house always smelled like chicken, beans, and rice.
When boys had cooties, but yet were my best friends,
When t-shirts, jeans and sneakers were the only trend.
When playing in the dirt was more natural than breathing,
When I would try to keep my eyes open while sneezing.
Missing the days when the sun came out to play,
Missing those days,
Sigh, let's go back to yesterday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chapter: Influencers

INFLUENCERS TRAILER from R+I creative on Vimeo.

INFLUENCERS is a short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends & creativity become contagious today in music and fashion.
Directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson, the film is a Polaroid snapshot of New York influential creatives (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment) who are shaping today's pop culture.

I want better influencers out there, positive ones. Non-illuminati influencers. Jay-Z needs to be overthrown.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter: Lazy Bums

(When I publish long posts, my blog likes to spontaneously change the fonts on me. It has a mind of it's own. Don't mind the font variations.)

People are always so appalled by what they see going on in the world. For example, the crisis going on in Northern Uganda with the rebel Lord's Resistance Army. It has been going on since 1986, and has caused widespread insecurity and humanitarian catastrophes in northern Uganda and the neighboring countries of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the Central African Republic. It's known as the Invisible War. Children are being ripped from their homes, and forced to become child soldiers. Nine-year old boys are given guns, to defend a rebel army, by force. We read this and see pictures and just think, oh what a shame that those types of things are happening in the world, I wish I could do something about it. For many of us, that's where the thought ends. I wish.

People are intimidated by the issues going on in the world, so much that it pushes them into a hole where they believe that they alone cannot do anything about it. Thinking things like, I can't get involved in something like that, it's too complicated. If that were the mindset of everyone in the world, since the beginning of ever, where would we be? I'd rather not imagine it.

"In the spring of 2003, three young filmmakers traveled to Africa in search of a story. What started out as a filmmaking adventure transformed into much more when these boys from Southern California discovered a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them, a tragedy where children are both the weapons and the victims.

After returning to the States, they created the documentary "Invisible Children: Rough Cut," a film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda.s night commuters and child soldiers.

The film was originally shown to friends and family, but has now been seen by millions of people. The overwhelming response has been, "How can I help?" To answer this question, the non-profit Invisible Children, Inc. was created, giving compassionate individuals an effective way to respond to the situation."

These boys were influenced by what they encountered, and motivated by the situation enough to actually to do something. The step many of us cut short at. Their care and their drive to help allowed them to establish this non-profit organization that has grown tremendously in the past seven years and has already helped the suffering countries. Isn't that…awesome?

On that note, if you know of an issue that really bothers you when you hear about it, or that your really passionate about, or if your classrooms are really cold and you wish you could get a regulated heating system seeing that you're paying 45K to be there, say something. It takes one voice to say something, and all ears will listen. Then you actually have to put some effort, but hey! It's rewarding.

Someone once said that you can't change the world, but you can change yourself. In changing the world, your changing people one by one. So by changing yourself, you've already started to change the world. Confusing, but it makes sense. =D

So get out there and do something! (That's motivating)

To learn more about Invisible Children and the Invisible War, click here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter: What's Next

It's gets tiring of never knowing what to expect. When you think your fine, finally stable…there's that mini earthquake you were dreading.

Take it as you wish.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chapter: Hoax

Cliché but, why do people have to be fake to get by? Why not just be real, and be yourself. It's what I've done throughout my life so far, and I'd say I'm pretty good. Some people like to make themselves appear like someone they are not though, simply to be cool with everyone. What's up with that? Personally, I'm not trying to mess with it, if I ask it's only to understand that mentality. Is it beneficial? Why have people like you for something your not, or is it the real you coming through?

It's confusing to those you are closest to. Frankly, it pushes them away too.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter: No Matter What

Is it possible that when you don't want something to happen, you don't think about it, but it's there like in the middle of your mind, it'll continue to happen? As if someone was playing a game with you and just taunting you. It's like the energy you set out reacts oppositely and what you don't want to happen, happens. Repeatedly.
Even when you completely erase it from your mind, it happens. Sigh. It just fires me up, and get's me ready to do something detrimental, but what am I going to do? Stare with a grimace. Woah.
I guess there are things that are out of our hands and our control. They're going to happen regardless of what we want unfortunately. As much as we fight, as much as we budge and as much as we passionately wish it wouldn't happen…it does, or will soon enough.

Bummer -_-

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter: Flashing Lights

Flashing lights blind me as I walk out this car. This red carpet leads me to the meeting places of the rest of these so-called stars. Click, click go the cameras, catching every moment I inhale and exhale, seems as if I'm being held against my own will. I love the life, but the baggage is kind of heavy. I'm trying to live right, but on my way, I feel as if some of my morals may have left me. Eyes all over prey on my every move, how can I live easy if they wait for me to mess up like some april fool. Keep calm and carry on, but my life is no longer mine. I wanted to come into this, taking every chance to speed up time. I unwillingly put myself out there, not knowing I'd be manipulated into some kind of puppet, money's coming in so they think my mindset is just f*ck it.
The game isn't as it's painted, I thought the love of the art would be enough, but the money makes it tainted. The void grows with the money, the vibes wrong, but the fans really love me. The more I live it, the more is gone from my cup. Just thinking of ways, to fill it back up..

Was bored.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chapter: Boom

What would the world be like if we had things our way? If in our fits of rage we actually had a gun in our hand, replacing the hand figure? Would you shoot?
It's different when the opportunity is there. It can confuse us more or make things clearer. One way or the other, the choice is yours. What would you do?

Chapter: Puppy Pouch

Enough said.

Chapter: Ugh

You know those times where you get so lost in your own thoughts you become close-minded? That you just seem stupid to other people, but in your mind you have all the reason, and everything just makes sense? People call it schizophrenia, but we don't all necessarily have an imaginary world we're a part of. It's annoying when people just don't understand whereyou're coming from and ultimately you just seem like the idiot that keeps blabbing on. Then comes the point where you stop and analyze what you're saying, and realize again that you have a legitimate point. Then you get frustrated and just seem stupider. This sounds redundant, you get the point.
Sigh, if only eyes were like glasses people could try on and instantly feel what we see. Wouldn't that be convenient?
"Oooh, now I get it."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chapter: The Catch

Nothing is ever easy. Even if you love doing it, if you love it as a whole, it's never easy. There's always a catch. This doesn't mean the catch is always bad, it sometimes doesn't turn out being a drag. I'm being ambiguous aren't I? Let me get specific.
Numero Uno.
Following your heart and going for your dreams. Sounds so pretty doesn't it. Does a $50, 000 school, sound pretty? How about a 50+ hour week to pay off loans? Sound easy? Ha, when you finally reach your dream, sure it'll be nice, but it won't be so smooth the whole way there. Well, for the most of us, there are those ones who get lucky. Psh.
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to deter anyone from accomplishing their goals. More power to you. I'm simply using it as an example because most of the time it is not easy. Those who do achieve their dreams, good job. Every case is different though. But the dedication is admirable.

Numeros Dos.
A relationship. You may love each other and have plentiful conversations, and have the times of lives together, but slow down cowboy. What's a relationship without arguments? How will you grow if you have nothing to improve? Arguments aren't fun, (ok maybe a little, sometimes, when it gets that ridiculous, but anyways) there's a lot of tension, viciousness, and things become hectic. I'd like to meet the couple that hasn't bumped heads on something, even if its as minor as leaving your socks on the floor. Not even both of them. Just one. One lonesome random sock. With a piece of gum stuck on it. Equivalent to trash. Ugh, just throw it away, it's partner obviously left it for another sock. But anyways, you build your relationship off these things. In everything, theres a good and bad, a black and white, yin and yang, sweet and spicy, etc. But whoever said the bad can't help the better of the good? Make sense? Probably not.
In a nutshell, more good is always better than a hefty load of bad. So savor those marvelous moments, and don't let them slip away. But once you've tasted sour, the sweets taste even more delicious.

Tip: Talking is wayy more healthier for a relationship than arguing or yelling at each other is, at least I think so. But hey, a sporatic hispanic argument never hurt anyone.
Let's just keep the shoes on our feet.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter: CITY!

What's that you ask?
Possibly the best place you can spend your time at. So, here's my story. Gonna get a little personal, so hold on to something. Just kidding, but seriously this isn't a joking matter. Ok, so here's me, a quiet, shy, bored with her life, desperate to find something to do to that she loves, bored (again), girl whose really dying to go somewhere she'll fit perfectly in, and do something creative. Did you pick up on the problem yet? Shy. So I'd heard of Movement City when it was Hope Street. I believe I was in my early teens at the time. I was introduced to it by my mom, apparently she wanted to dump me off
someplace where I could go nuts with the arts stuff. So I printed out the application, filled it out and everything.

Moment of truth... never sent it in.
Downer, right?

3 years later. (Approximately)

I hear about this center called Movement City, where you can take all sorts of creative classes. Sounded familiar to me. My friend described the area, told me where it was, how the people were. The whole kit and kaboodle. So I once again printed out an application, filled it out, even WENT to the building. When the moment of truth came I turned back, and went home.

3 more years later. (I think.)

I was on a step team for my high school and I told my friend Valerie about Movement City. We youtubed it, and I showed her all the dance videos. She fell under the same spell I was under and signed up. The difference between her and I, I was shy. Very shy. I was going to begin going, but I couldn't because my practices already took too much of my time. Junior year comes, and there is no longer a step team. One monday afternoon, I'm sitting in my living room frustrated. I call my friend and explain to her I'm bored with my life, and I want to dance again. She pretty much yells at me, telling me I need to go to MC. So, the next week, she actually brings me there herself and makes me sign up. I know, I sound like a baby, but whatever.
The following week, when I was going there for the first time alone, was a car ride I would never forget. I was shaking. I don't think I have ever been that nervous. Think about it, here I am going to this center where I know no one. I don't even live in the city. Moving on. When I entered, I was immediately greeted by the those who were there and was overwhelmed by the creative spirit that was bouncing off the walls. I was still in my shell, and barely spoke to anyone, unless I was spoken to.
I first took a dance class, and loved it. When the last session of the year ended, I didn’t want to leave the center for the whole summer, so I spoke to the Academic Director and asked her if there was anyway I could help out during the summer. She told me I could volunteer with the stations summer camp, and I jumped at the offer and told her I would. So that summer was when I really met everyone and developed relationships with the younger kids. It was a busy summer, besides volunteering, but I made it possible so that I could go.
Entering my senior year, I felt like I was a part of the family in Movement City. I joined Movement Squad, and was involved with all the happenings at MC. I loved being a part of the center and helping out the way it helped me. See, what I love so much about MC is that it turned my life around. Not to be dramatic. It saved me from a black hole of a depression I was already in.

The relationships I have made with the people at Movement City are ones I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The center has allowed me to blossom as a person and find my voice. It has enabled me to feel comfortable being myself around people I don’t know, and uplifted my spirit at a time where it was impossible. It has given me so much to look forward to in life and has allowed me to find the confidence I lacked. As I retrogress and look back to the first time I set foot in the center, I understand why I was so nervous. It was because my life was about to change, and the I had found my home away from home.

I know it seems a little sappy, but hey, it's the truth. This center is something that should be in every state of this country, and I won't be surprised if it someday happens. So, when I say "Movement!", I want to hear (or read) you all say "City!"


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chapter: Hello

Hello, it's me,
Late night convo's, quiet moments savored for no reason,
Maybe that was then, but how 'bout now, what's this season?
Questions asked, questions left unanswered,
Conversations lasted till interrupted by the first bird.
I know things change, correction- they grow,
But something in me misses that time-where we was just getting to know-
Quiet moments savored? Quiet moments central,
Click-click the keyboard, wadup- nothing, bored.
If so, can we soar, leave this rest stop and explore,
Bloop bloop bloop.
I'm looking for you, little do I know you're probably looking for me too,
You're doing yours, and so I guess I'll do mine,
But I only look to you as the clock tick's time.
I gotta make the effort, so you'll see that I care,
There's so many things I can say, and are spoken with my stare.
Enough one worded answers,
They're killing me like cancer,
But what is said when the chance is bred?
What is fed, to a soul that's hungry to once again step in your head.
Knock, knock.
Whose there?
Hello, it's me..

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chapter: Flying

Feels like strangers, we're both here meeting for the first time,
What's your name again, give me yours, I'll give you mine,
You look familiar, like I know you from my past,
Like a zombie memory, coming to life with each comment that I pass,
How've you been?
How's your life treating you?
Oh, that time's kicking in?
Feel the need to start fresh, start new?
Well, lemme introduce myself,
Maybe we'll get along, for some reason,
I feel the beginning of a new bond,
The names Marlene, quiet, but with time my secret's will unravel,
Come walk with me, see how far on this road we'll travel.
Oh, you don't walk, oh I see you fly,
I'm impressed, you sound like my kind of guy,
I've tried it before, but I ended up crashing,
Yeah, a few cut's and bruises, stories to tell, whenever someone's asking.
I'm sorry, what was that? You want me to fly with you?
What makes you think your technique won't fail like others do?
Risk? Hm, sounds iffy, but I like you.
"Hold my hand, this is a flight for two."

I feel like I know you.

Chapter: Heat

Temperature is on high, and the season's just started,
My emotions are stable, I know where my heart is,
But the eyes, have a mind, of their own,
Get high off a visual vibe, just that alone.
Oh, the time is just right, got my attractions going at it,
The interest just might, get me answering to these addicts,
that won't quit, that won't sit and wait,
They caught on, they ate all that bait,
But nah, I think I'm gonna have to pass,
Season's hot, but I ain't into those that don't last,
Come for the summer, and stay for the fall,
He came, and has been here,
Him right there, I give him my all.

Chapter: Hulk Moment

Love me like there's no tomorrow,
what the future holds, is the opposite of our sorrow.
I'll be with you until the end of the world comes,
I'll be there, holding you and holding on.
Just don't ever betray me, don't ever lie,
Stop being curious, don't ask me why.
Just know, it'll be bad,
You won't like me when I'm mad.

*Not gonna lie, the reference to the Hulk made me laugh.

Chapter: Trip W. Mary Jane

How can one man hold so much power?
Not necessarily with the world, but with this young girl.
Insanity is growing, increasing with each hour,
And the coke looks sweeter with each second, it screams to me louder.
Maybe then this place will make sense,
Maybe then this asylum would seem less crazy, just a little, less.
If I take a trip down mary jane lane,
Maybe then I'll transition from crazy to sane.
What if I stay, because I'm enamored by the never-ending day,
What if I moved in, and I had everything according to me, my way.
Not the king of burgers, not loving like the Donald of Mc's,
Am I confusing you, listen to the clock, tick..tick..
Time is a trap, to keep you in routine,
Come away with me, and you'll see what I mean..

*Role-playing poem, I am not a druggie, just saying.

Chapter: Breathe

-the hell is going on?
I believe I have a reason, but my mentality is all wrong.
The rocks in my throat hinder me from seizing,
and the chance is going, going, gone.
It's taking up my life, listen to my breathing,
It's a long, interesting tale,
It's all I take in, all I inhale,
Listen to me, as I exhale...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chapter: Loop

Closing my eyes, will time freeze?
Contrare to fly by,
Will I have time to observe, pause and think,
And ask myself why?
I growl at the thought, and tear up the idea,
Like a savage human being, crazier than Madea.
But as I linger by my prey, I hear the mercy in their cry,
I shake my head, scratch my eyes,
I realize finally, I was blind the whole time,
My imagination tricked me, I was walking over the sublime,
And now I'm in this loop, circulating in a never-ending funnel,
To reach the end, the new light, the end of the tunnel.
I'm exposed to this source of power projecting something so bright,
And I'm enlightened, my mind is clearer, aware, and everything is ahead of me,
In my sight.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chapter: Wtf's Castro

If you're a sneaker head, dive into your indulgence with this blog.

Go nuts, or he'll go and find you.
I suggest you go nuts. =]

Chapter: Gimme More

What do we gain from material wealth? When we're down, some new shoes make us feel better? Last time I checked, shoes don't give hugs. I don't understand or find the necessity to constantly fuel our self esteem with inanimate objects. Sure, it may boost your self esteem because you look good according to others, but whens the last time someones complimented you on being a great person. Call me cliche, but I have a point. We shouldn't depend on others to compliment us on our looks to feel confident. The confidence should spring from our souls, to then be projected on our external appearance to the world, if it matters that much. Maybe some shoes would put the cherry on top, but ice cream is still good without the mess of accessory ingredients, am I wrong? What's the point of having an abundance of material things, when in the end, they stay here, and we move on. Is it worth it?

BUT, to each his own.

..and yes, those are barbie's shoes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chapter: Vent

I'm honest!
Shrug my opinion off, and continue on your walk,
if you find a cliff, do me a favor, and
Jump off it!
EXCUSE ME, if I make you unsettled, but I'm me,
You're you,
I'm me,
You're you,
We're human,
Beings, plural,

Calm, calm, calm,
Was that your face?

Ooold poem, obviously was never posted. Don't mind the random tourette-ish attitude, I was apparently bothered.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chapter: Uh-Oh

The world is ending. Not really news, right? We've all heard of the apocalypse and 2012 and all that jazz. No biggie. It's not like it'll really happen. Psh.

Who are we kidding?

It's definitely going to happen, or at least something big like the end of the world will happen. C'mon, if you haven't noticed all the freaky weather spasms and bipolar earth tantrums, then you have a problem. But, I don't judge, so it's ok. Basically, in a nutshell, so you can get caught up and stuff; the world is going to end. Soon. Call me Debbie Downer, Pessimist Patty blah blah blah, but I've been positive for far too long and this weather stuff just gets crazier as the days go by. Let's see, so Haiti breaks into puzzle pieces, Canadian forest fires make the residents of New England feel like they're in The Fog, 2 year old Filipino toddlers smoking 4o cigarettes a day, oh and let's not forget the HUGE sinkhole that formed in Guatemala. No biggie.

Some people think this is just a hoax. Some people live their lives in fear the sky is going to fall.

Nonetheless, when all else fails, hope is there. I mean, I hope none of the predictions of the world's inevitable doom will happen. I hope we'll all live to be old and wrinkly. I hope that if this really happens, the government is devising a plan to ship us all out to space and live like Zenon; Girl of the 21st Century.

No worries though, just live life, hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst. You know, just in case. Hey, we made it through Michael Jackson's death, we can make it through this too.

"This is SPARTA!"

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chapter: Define Different

What's new nowadays? Is anything really different, that hasn't been tried before? I doubt it. That's what sucks, everything has been attempted so it's not really like a big deal when it comes out. Lady Gaga? No. Sure she's weird, so is Marylin Manson. Sure she sold her soul to the devil, so did Jay-Z. Sure she has an interesting sense of fashion, so do emo people. Ugh, she's so, yuck. Go to church Lady Gaga, you need Jesus.

But anyways, the problem is, people are too scared to try what's "different", because they're constantly told it's wrong. It's not wrong, it's a divergence. When they say "It's wrong" what they mean to say is, " I don't know what you're talking about, and frankly I'm just saying it's wrong because I have a huge fear of the unknown and I'm too afraid to try anything new, so I don't want you to because then I'll feel average and lonely, and I want you to be average with me because-" Alright, let me cut it off there. Get what I mean?
So when people ask, " Why?" Simply answer, " Why not?" And if they give you, or begin to give you a BS answer, easy. Just answer: "THIS IS SPARTA!" and push them into a hole.
Problem solved.

It may seem like I contradicted myself, with what I said about Lady Gaga, but she's a repeat. Just the female version of Marylin Manson, or atleast I think so. I'm not even sure what he/she/it is. Just scares me, but hey, I respect his/her/it's guts to be so weird.
Besides the whole selling your soul to the devil; that's just stupid.

But then again, "To be great, is to be misunderstood.."
There's a mind-boggler for you.

No harsh feelings to anyone or anything I mentioned in this blog. Just trying to make a point. Kudos to Frandy, for influencing me to write this entry.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chapter: Burgers and Boredom

Life is boring. Not always, but right now that’s where my body/metaphorical car is parked at on this road called life. The little rest stop named BORING. Things you thought were new, are old. Things that seemed spontaneous are actually repeated patterns. Blah, blah, blah, bloop, even that’s old news. 1, 2, 3,..56, 57,..65, 66, 67, 68...OLD.
Sigh, I sound crazy, don’t I? We all have our moments. Oh well, it’s expected, why you ask? Because life is a never-ending repeated cycle of unprecedented routine. They say history repeats itself. Seems like they’re preaching the truth. La di da di da, and then we begin to think. Over think and analyze. Over analyze and become anal. I don’t even know what I’m talking about. If it makes sense to you, great. There was some purpose to this entry.
So, since I’m here, let’s talk. Or better said, let me type and pretend like this electronic device is a human and can actually listen. Well, the reader is human so, I take back what I just said.
What’s deep? Like when someone says “Woah, that’s deep.” In the inanimate perspective. Is it something profoundly philosophical, therefore bringing astonishing reactions from people because you stimulated their minds to think something beyond the surface of life? Is that why it’s called deep? If we apply it to the ocean or something. Deep, because you’re going beyond the shallow end, and diving into a presumable bottomless pit of thinking, and pulling out the why to everything. Being inquisitive and being able to find somehow relevant possible answers to your questions? Like, does society make the people or do the people make society? That’s a mind-boggler. The question itself is “deep”. Hm, perhaps. Deep thinking is good, so that your mind doesn’t station itself at a stupor and not seek any desire to go on further. You need to stir up the noodles in that noggin every once in a while, or else your soup won’t be so tasty. (For the non-deep thinkers out there in the world, soup symbolizes your opinion).
But anyways, I seemed to have digressed from my original topic in mind. What was it? Ah, boring life. Hm, maybe not boring, but--no, definitely boring. Let’s be creative people. Please. Pleaseee. We need innovation. Ugh, what the french, toast? Where am I even going with this. I don’t even know. See? Life’s boring-ness and redundancy is getting to me. It’s driving me nuts. Next thing you know, I’m boring. Oh look at that, I’m dull...
Woah that was a close one. Thinking about it though, perhaps it’s not life that’s boring, but the people. After all, life is what you make it. But then again, you are effected by your environment and the things that happen and the people around you. So like, if people are uber wack and tedious; life is uber wack and tedious. No, that’s wrong, sounds like I live for other people.
Thinking about it though, perhaps it’s not life that’s boring, but how we are living life is boring. Maybe we’re not seizing every opportunity thrown at us, or maybe we’re not looking in the right places. Maybe we need to change some aspects of our lives to then exit from this monotonous black hole of sucky-ness. Hm, life is what you make it? Right now, it’s a gross bland school lunch. I think I’m gonna go gourmet. Ciao.
(I’ve made a lot of food analogies, maybe I’m hungry. No, I’m hallucinating.)
Oh and P.S., not everything, everything, everything is boring. Some things are um, cool. Kidding. There’s the special one who keeps me sane, whatever my definition of that is. He’s the barbeque sauce to my burger. That’s right, you can’t have a burger without dipping it in BBQ sauce. Therefore, I can’t have life without him.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Chapter: Minds of Glory

So that's the problem with schools, in a nutshell. Couldn't have said it better myself. Production by Frandiego Veloz. (Round of applause)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chapter: Staple Art

By a French artist named Baptiste Debombourg. His name says it. He is 'De Bomb'.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chapter: Insolence

Ever meet those people who just like to argue? The ones that'll pick apart any topic to bits, to find something controversial, just for the heck of it? Talk about annoying. It's fun for debates and stuff, but let's take it down a notch, life isn't like The Great Debate.
See, I'm not one to become angry very easily. I contain myself and act civilized, you know, to get by and progress in this society. I also believe in a little thing called respect. You give some, you get some.
So say we're in a, uh I don't know, a meeting. Someone is speaking. Isn't it kind of like the right thing to listen to the person who is speaking and not talk? Out of common courtesy? But you know, that's just me. Side conversations? Rude. Getting upset and becoming insolent with the rest of the group because you were asked to stop several times? Childish. And then they listen to you, to hear you contradict yourself on something, to then argue about that, so they can gain some points, in theory. That's when I become a little bothered.
Being insolent in some situations is alright. Like if some creepy guy is trying to hit on you, consistently after you kindly ask for him to stop, the more power to you. If not, pull out your mase and call the cops. But if you're at fault for some disrespectful situation and you're trying to prove your point by being more disrespectful...give up while your at it.
But anyways, what I'm saying is; know when it is appropriate and when it is plain dumb to be insolent. Then, you'll get the respect you want.
In summary: Don't be mean, people won't like you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter: Creativity at it's Rawest

Why is it that so many artists are famous after they die? Or that their work is mostly posthumous? For example, Van Gogh (you know, the schizophrenic who cut off his ear and sent it to his girlfriend in an envelope, romantic right?) I don't really know the answer, but I feel like they're just not taken that seriously while they're around, breathing. But once they are dead, and they had somewhat established themselves as artists, the value of their pieces automatically bump up. It kind of sucks if you ask me, I'd like to be around to see people appreciate my art.
But anyways, what I'm trying to get at is we should recognize these artists from the get-go. From when we get that thought " Wow, this person is pretty talented." And Let's not restrict ourselves to the typical areas of art that are more popularly known, like painting, sculpture, clay etc. There are so many mediums to art that we don't know of. Think of EVERYTHING. Painting, ceramics, photography, film-making, illustration, contemporary, music (singing, beat-making, playing musical instruments), dance, theater, even coffee art, you know with the cream and they make those little funky images in the mug etc. You name it.

OK, so allow me to get specific. I happen to know a certain young girl named Elissa Salas that happens to be NASTY at photography, and quite precisely that's what she wants to study after high school. Do I think she can make it? No doubt about it. Do a lot of people know she is evolving into a potentially fantasmical photographer? I don't think so. Is it a shame? Yes. But she's young, so there's time.

Next. I also happen to know (very well, may I add) a very intriguing 18 year old by the name of Frandiego Veloz (aka Balistic Beats) (aka my soul-mate ;]). His area of talent? Music-making. He is DISGUSTING. So he's been making beats for about 6 years and he's gained recognition only locally. I'm not even going to ask myself if it's a shame because it blatantly is. And It's not a biased opinion or anything, he genuinely is extremely talented at making music, yet people take it for granted and don't see the artist that is standing right there, in front of them.
We can help these people meet people and create connections that will allow them to take milestones in there creative careers, just by talking to people we know and spreading the word. (That was really wordy, but you get the point.) These artists are already doing their part. Let's bring creativity back and show the world the hidden talent that stands before our eyes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chapter: MTV

MTV, it began broadcasting August 1, 1981. It's initial purpose was to play music videos that were guided by on-air hosts called VJs. (Interesting name.) It was devoted entirely to music, something like a mainstream where fans could listen to their favorite music, watch interviews of recording artists and even hear what other fans thought of the music. But, now nearing 3 decades of being on-air, MTV has evolved into a pop culture & reality TV bowl of turd. Even the logo has been changed. They dropped "Music Television" completely and the M even appears to be shorter. Tina Exarhos, a spokesperson for MTV's marketing team, explained the change to "The New York Daily News": "If you watch the channel, you've seen that it's definitely going in a new direction. We really wanted to see the logo featured in a new way, and this was really meant to be able to house all the great things that are happening at MTV at any given time." Sigh. I'm losing my MTV.

I mean, it's still great and all, and it still shows music and stuff, but "Teen Mom"? Really? Or "Is She Really Going Out With Him?", "Date My Mom" ? Get outta my face, c'mon. I used to love just watching music videos, or just leaving the channel on and letting the music soothe my soul. But now? I feel like my IQ decreases as soon as I put the channel on. These shows are so unnecessary, and worse, stupid! Over the years MTV has morphed into a channel that is less focused on it's original intention. It's now focused on targeting a certain teen/young adult audience, and ditching it's roots to giving the audience what the network believes they want. What a shame. Way to follow the crowd MTV.

"The MTV brand, to me, stands for such an irreverent groundbreaking brand, and unfortunately I feel a little underwhelmed when I look at this," Hamish McLennan, global chairman-CEO of advertising powerhouse Young & Rubicam, told Ad Age. With shows like "Jersey Shore", MTV is farting out celebrities overnight. And it's clear that people are more swayed by a show like this, rather than old-school music video blocks like "120 Minutes".
Let's retrogress and take a look at MTV back then...

MTV's first promo featuring public domain images of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Let's get back to music MTV.

But, I'm not gonna hate, I do love me some ABDC. (STATIC NOYZE!!)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter: Street Art

Out of the many street artists there are, I'd have to say Banksy is one of my favorites. Although the mystery is no more because his identity has already been revealed as Robert Gunningham, and he's a regular middle class guy, that shouldn't matter. It shouldn't really be about the artist or the person, but about the artwork. I just like the art. People get lost in their passion without being aware. They fall in love with the paint, the frames and all the other materials that contribute to art, actually not even. It isn't so much a materialistic problem, but a conceptual problem. They develop a love for the work they do, which by no means is bad, not at all, but they lose their true passion. Their inspiration. That inspiration or that light led them to want to show others what they see. Everyone uses different instruments. Whether it be a musical instrument, paint, a pencil, a pen, keyboard or even our own bodies. The ulterior purpose, is to show what we see, to express ourselves. And unfortunately a lot of people get lost in that. They become to into themselves, their personalities, and into their reputations. I'm not saying that having a passion for something is bad. What I'm saying is that we tend to forget what stimulated that passion, and if that happens, is the passion really a passion? See me?

But hey, not everything needs a reason behind it. That'd be a little boring. Besides, passions can simply be for a love of doing something, or would that be love? I'm not really sure. But I do love me some doodling and other random trinkets to life.

" The thing I hate most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative, and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow, self-obsessed to become artists. Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little. " Banksy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chapter: Peace?

Peace coalition poster ad. Gets you thinking.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chapter: Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.
Such a hallmark holiday. It's sweet and all, but what's the big fuss? It's not even that serious. It's cute to be with you're other half and just spend the day together and all the lovey doveyness, but why wait for February 14th to come along to do so? We're not forced to do anything special on this day, it's voluntary. If it's true love, there should be several days in the year where we express our love for the other, which I'm sure there are, but I mean, it's so expected on Valentine's Day. You know? When the expression is added with the element of surprise, the level of sweetness sky rockets. But that's just me. There's nothiing wrong with being a little cliché every now and then, I don't mind it. ;]

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chapter: Womp

I hate feeling useless. Not that I want to do everything, but when you want to do one specific thing, and every effort you make towards helping is as significant as loosing an ounce. It's improvement, but not that big of a deal.

Chapter: Leave

I am being followed by this ache,
lulls me to sleep and is there as I wake,
kisses me goodnight, and greets me when day brakes.
If I could only see you, speak to you,
I'd tell you I'm not a toy, I don't want to be your host,
I feel you, but you come and go and are as tangible as a ghost,
And you make me tired, tired of living,
tired of tears, tired of decorating this life with lies
saying I'm happy, when in reality,
every smile is a cry.
A cry out to see who not only looks, but sees,
who sees my pain and grieves,
who cares to ask, but it isn't a need,
because they could tell simply by the way I breathe.
Leave me, please.
I never asked for you to come and for you to settle in me.
To clandestinely create a home in me,
To flourish with the tears you see.
You were never welcome,
so please, just leave.