Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chapter: It's About The Moon

It's not about egos, not about the pride,
not about lust, pain, sadness, not about the lies.
It's about the ability to put that all aside.
The strength to love unconditionally even when all you've done is cry.
The willingness to accept again, about wounds that heal without relying on time.
Manage to have that ability, and we'll always stay alive.
It's about understanding when things seem most confusing,
it's about never giving up after all the emotional bruising.
It's about me loving you and that being the only things that matters,
about falling in love over and over again, effortlessly we just do.
It's not about the poems, the words, the metaphors,
it's about the connection, the unity that binds our souls.
It's about that fire that lives within us and keeps us going,
never burning out, forever growing.
And finally its not about you.
And its not about me.
It's about us,
no longer I, but we.
Do you see what I mean?