Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chapter: Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.
Such a hallmark holiday. It's sweet and all, but what's the big fuss? It's not even that serious. It's cute to be with you're other half and just spend the day together and all the lovey doveyness, but why wait for February 14th to come along to do so? We're not forced to do anything special on this day, it's voluntary. If it's true love, there should be several days in the year where we express our love for the other, which I'm sure there are, but I mean, it's so expected on Valentine's Day. You know? When the expression is added with the element of surprise, the level of sweetness sky rockets. But that's just me. There's nothiing wrong with being a little cliché every now and then, I don't mind it. ;]


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