Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chapter: Why

Nothing in this world is ever fair, but what's the reason for that? What is the reason for good genuine souls to get mistreated for only wishing well upon others. For only caring for others. Where is the balance in this world? Lost in an ocean of meretricious digression. Besotted by a life of glamour, freedom, and all the material superficial things you can ask for? But where does that get you? Success? What is success if when you sit down at home, ready for bed, and as you think of your life you begin to notice an overwhelming feeling of a void in it. What is this void? The things that annoyed you in your past, simply saw as a nuisance, and tossed to the side in your pursuit of an easy "successful" life. The feelings that were too complicated for you to deal with so you abandoned them. The feelings that confused you with their authenticity that you preferred to not deal with such purity because you knew the things you did were not worthy of it.
But why cast that cold shoulder to the person caring? You are hurting them and hurting yourself. This person only cares and loves you. Loves you. And by doing this, you showed them they shouldn't love you because you don't appreciate it or recognize it in their actions. You're confusing them and pushing them away. And if you do it just enough, you give them that last push they need, you have just created a void that will accompany you for the rest of your life. That person might stay, might go, but you will always wonder why you feel a certain way when you think about your life.

Years from now you'll ask yourself what's missing. You've got all you could possibly ask for. Keep in mind though, you create your own destiny, so don't be careless.


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