Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chapter: What Now?

What do you do when your mistakes haunt you? When the one and only thing you've done wrong traces you and follows your every step hindering your every attempt of moving forward. Trying to stay positive, but you're presented these lurking thoughts they have that prevent that. I know. I've been there. What do you say when they don't believe you? When it's clear to you and every single molecule of your being that you only want them. Sigh, I don't understand. I'm human, as are you.
The thought of you sends vibes of love and warmth throughout every crevice of my soul. Shedding light wherever there may lay a shadow. It was only natural for me to experience a numbness at that time. The collective product of all your actions. But it happened and I grew from it. There are no feelings anywhere else. What will it take for you to understand?


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