Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chapter: Knock, Knock?

Scenario: We're hopelessly driving around trying to find this dance studio, to get Jimmy's radio. We enter this little neighborhood, all quiet, nice and peaceful. Suddenly, BAM! We come across this house...We have no idea what could have possibly happened to this house. So we came up with various theories and explanations:
1. Two fire balls from God knows where came out of no where and struck the house. Resulting in the massive holes on the roof. (Jimmy)
2. Aliens came and attempted to abduct. It may or may not have been successful. We chose not to enter the house to investigate.
3. The people that lived there became super humans and flew out of their house, and never came back.
4. Struck by lightening, twice.
5. Could have been a simple fire, but where's the fun in that.

Crazy, right? Any ideas?